Mobile Casino And Pokies Games
OK Guys
let’s talk about what everyone is probably already talking about. Is mobile
gaming really for all types of gamers? The answer is an ALMOST! Can you play
World of Warcraft on a Mobile? Certainly, but the graphics engine isn’t really
going to be able to handle the raids with hundreds of peeps. So what about First
person shooters?
There again, you are going to have to sacrifice graphics. So what types of
gamers are really going to get the most out of mobile gaming? The answer is
obviously the players that are into mobile casino pokies - read more about
pokies at , Angry Birds, App games and
the like.
So ok all you gamblers itching to play some mobile casino slots, it’s your lucky
year because most of the gaming companies have at least one casino game in
development. Microsoft too? Well, they did release their poker game for the
Xbox360 and players in the UK can play something similar to it on SKY so, ya
Microsoft too.
Everyone is getting into the mobile aspect and for good reason, all of us
“Users” as they like to refer to us, have a mobile and are starting to use it
way more than a laptop and way way more than a desktop. Some of the new gen of
gamers don’t even have a desktop or laptop computer and are either strictly
table/console or phone/console. Crazy I know.
This is what we are looking for in the future and the best casino slot games are
going to be from some of the companies that have been against gambling for the
longest. Why? Because you give the people what they want and that is casino
games and pokies games, at sites like and you can play slots
pokies for fun and free.